Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pen Pals Pointless Postings#5: Fan Forum

Here’s a letter we received from a fan a few weeks back. After much soul searching, we decided putting this letter up on our website would be much easier than coming up with original content.

Dear Atomic Johnson Productions,

I recently attended a production of PEN PALS at the Edmonton Arts/Animal Husbandry Festival a few months back and I’ve been wanting to write you guys ever since. First of all, I want to thank the both of you for such a wonderfully entertaining show. I was more than a little nervous going in, having read recent reviews naming your show “the worst show of this or any year” and “theatrical herpes”. I, however, don’t like being told what to think by know-it-alls. My doctor, for example, keeps telling me how I need to “start radiation treatment immediately” or I’m going to blah blah blah… He thinks he’s so big. Sorry, I’m digressing.

Your show was unbelievably funny. I must have laughed at least twice. Most plays are so boring, with stories I don’t understand or people speaking dialogue more than two or three sentences long. I don’t think you guys had any lines in your show that were more than 4 words, and most of them were swears. I’m sorry that the rest of the audience didn’t find this funny. Most guys would have given up half way through but not you two. The way you guys got all belligerent and then started to physically attack the crowd was great. You got a few shots in on me, which is understandable. How could you know I was the one guy who laughed both those times?

The second act was even better but I have a question. Five minutes in, Andrew seemed to forget his lines and then started to sob uncontrollably for 20 minutes followed by Holm storming out, punching out ushers along the way. Was this carefully planned or an outstanding bit of improvisation? Either way, Bravo! Talk about a courageous display of raw emotion. I bet the Tony awards come a calling next spring. I sure hope you guys can make bail by then.

Anyway, I have to go. I think the mailman has been unsealing, reading, resealing and delivering my heating bills. He thinks he’s so big. Let’s see how big he is when he puts his hand into a mailbox full of angry bees.

Warmest Regards,

Raoul DeRobertez CPA

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